I have a question

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Before you read ahead, I want you to answer this question for me.
What is that one thing in this world, having which you would live happily ever after?
1) Money
2) Fame
3) Love
4) Mukti

If you had said Money, how much money would make you happy? What are the numerous methods that you are going to adopt to reach that magical figure? The thirst for money is never ending. Have you ever wondered how does money get its value? It’s when the Govt. not only prints money on rich papyrus, but also when there is an equal quotient of valuables like gold kept in a safe. But, deep within me I have this question that, If money were to make most happy, then can we go ahead and assume that a daily wage earner is not happy in his life? Are we given the authority to judge a person’s inner feeling based on our financial status and for the social stigma that he lives with till his last breath? In my opinion, he would be fairly happy in his life, for one he gets a good sleep everyday for the physical workout he does, and also there is nothing in his possession that he would loose to the thieves in the night. The irony of money is the urge to hoard as much as possible, which your family might enjoy when you are dead because all the while you were busy accumulating it, but what’s the point?

If you had said fame, do you have what it takes to conquer the burden of fame? The adultery you commit becomes a national offence (Mr. Clinton), and when the same thing is done by your neighbor with his head held high, it is some kind of an achievement. Being someone that you are not, pretending to be joyous and serene, but deep within the frustration of your inability to be yourself is corroding your soul and that scar won't heal unless you peel the mask that society wants you to wear all the while. When you are weighed not for your values but how much friends you have in the political circle. To lose your private and the most intimate moments to the paparazzi lenses. To also be a contender in the worst dressed category. When the media actually rules your life, cooking up rumors between you and the next in line to the status that you currently enjoy, just to raise their TRPs! Let’s come to terms with it, if all of us were to have fame, recognition and our family name on the common man’s lips, the essence of fame would lose.

If you had said Love, these 4 letters have the power to create a saint or destroy a human. How sure are you that the person, whom you love, loves you with the same commitment? Isn’t this thought the epicenter of sublime worry? Is there any space for suspicion in Love? Love is best described by the ones who have basked in the glory of its eternal sunshine. It’s that one glimpse of your lover you long to see the whole day and when you do capture that moment of million years, your face glows from within. In the mean time if you haven’t enjoyed the wait, then you are not in love. It’s the sacred union of two frequencies of minds that resonates with tremendous energy of fusion that can change not only themselves but also everything that they touch. When eyes interlock, sailing them through the day and their combined body warmth puts them to sleep in the night. Do you really fall in love or should it be left to happen? Then there are people who have to make it happen. They force love on to them and on to their partners. It is but the most valuable gift that humanity is bestowed with, yet people have to misuse it with vicious intensions. When a heart cries, it tells no one… it will try to swallow the entire ache and will retaliate with loving back the person with an irresistible passion. After repeated denials and after being pushed over the edge, the tender heart says; no matter where you are, who you are with, my love was real and for all that you did to me… I hope you go to hell! Beware of the words that come out from the heart, and especially when the heart is in agony.

If you had said Mukti, Do you have to be an atheist, not to believe it? It is but an absurd concept that most cultures believe in. Your soul takes the giant transition from the earthly pleasures to an unknown kingdom where you are greeted by your grandparents, the neighbor’s dog you once played with, where everyone is free and are finally one with the whole. Every soul needs to unite with the "one". Have you ever been near a funeral pyre? Though the temperature is enough to turn you to ashes, there is this chilling sensation in your palm. That’s the energy released, when a soul leaves this world. I don’t want you to believe me, I want you to witness it! And if you were scared to go to the “other world” because of the deeds you have consciously committed, then you are a wandering nomad with no certain end. The thought of an endless venture in a world where you don’t belong is quite a thing to ponder over. Do good, be brave and embrace the "whole" with arms wide open. There are customs when people cry and people rejoice over death. Both to intend the same purpose, crying to help the dead know they will be missed and to rejoice to again ascertain the dead that they have indeed reached the destination.


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